SPC Alumnus Support First Dreamers

2月 7, 2018

Public Information Officer


St. 菲利普学院的学生现在正准备作为2018年3月圣安东尼奥市csamar Chávez正义游行的参与者,促进大学毕业. 传统上由学院未来联合拉丁裔领袖变革学生组织的成员领导, 这些学生和教师也重申支持在发展计划支持下就读的学生取得成功, 救援, and Education for Alien Minors Act known as the DREAM Act, and one recent St. 菲利普学院和学生组织的校友回忆起他支持前杰出圣. Philip’s 大学 students who were two of the nation's first high profile Dreamers.

2001年的两党立法提案为在美国长大的特殊学生群体提供了永久居留权.S. 并选择通过完成大学学业或服兵役来回馈社会,以增强美国未来的经济或国家安全. When the administration of former U.S. 奥巴马总统于2012年终止了联邦政府之前对这一特殊人群的驱逐做法, the legacy of the DREAM Act enhanced the St. Philip’s 大学 experience for several students. 通过2012年学院未来联合拉丁裔变革领袖学生组织成员的倡议, 三圣. Philip’s 大学 students---Rudy Padilla, Yessica C. Vazquez and Stephanie Vazquez---spoke to the national press on Sept. 12 of 2012 on the footsteps of the Lincoln Memorial in support of the DREAM Act in 2012.

帕迪拉回忆起2012年晚些时候,杰西卡和斯蒂芬妮是如何创造大学历史的,当时两姐妹都是美国第一批通过《十大网赌正规网址官网》获得联邦政府支持完成大学学业的人. 5月6日,帕迪拉成为第二位在德克萨斯州社区大学系统中担任候补理事的学生, 2014-April 30, 2015) as part of his St. Philip’s 大学 experience, and he shared the following transcript of his 2012 Lincoln Memorial statement.

Good evening. My name is Rudy Padilla; I am a Culinary Arts Major and the current Vice- President of the Student Government Association at St. Philip’s 大学 in San Antonio Texas, 它是我国唯一一所双重学分的大学,既是一所历史上的黑人大学,也是一所为西班牙裔服务的大学. 我很荣幸今晚能在这里谈一谈《十大网赌正规网址官网》以及它对我的意义,因为这个主题与我非常关注的一个问题有关,那就是教育.
Education is one of the founding building blocks that our great nation was built on. Without it, we would not have the knowledge we need to compete in our world. It is not a privilege but a necessity. One that we often take for granted everyday of our lives, yet it’s being denied to people just because their families comes from another country. 每个寻求教育的人都是为了改善自己和周围人的生活. The more people who live in our nation and have a good quality education, the more opportunities this nation and its people will have now and in the future.
当我第一次开始自己的教育之旅时,我也有一个改善自己生活的目标. The knowledge, experiences, 在我继续接受教育的过程中,我所获得的机会不仅改善了我自己的生活, but now I am also able to, as a student leader, 效果, change and impact the lives of others on my campus, in my community, and on the national stage here today.
So remember, no-matter what your personal goals are that you want to achieve in your lives, the sky is the limit. So think big, aim high and never give up on your hopes and dreams.
已故的伟大的塞萨尔·查韦斯和我们的美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马说过, in the name of student success and education, I say to you:

“我们三个人都能够在媒体和集会前发表自己的演讲,既在三角前,也在林肯纪念堂的脚下," Padilla recalled." The big Dream Act Rally was led by the Cesar E. 查韦斯遗产和教育基金会,以学生成功和教育的名义帮助支持这场运动,就像在我们学校一样," recalled Padilla.

Yessica Vazquez spoke to a reporter for the 2012 《十大网赌正规网址官网》报道德克萨斯州的波托马克河-华盛顿新闻带有德克萨斯口音-德克萨斯州民主党人在国会大厦集会支持梦想法案, immigration reform http://blog.chron.com/txpotomac/2012/09/texan-democrats-rally-at-capitol-for-dream-act-immigration-reform/. According to the report, Among those on the tour was Yessica Vazquez, a 20-year-old San Antonio resident who immigrated to America when she was 5. She moved with her sister, Stephanie, and her mother to live with her father. 他们本来只打算待一年,但现在,18岁的Yessica和Stephanie不想离开. The sisters attend St. Philip’s 大学 in San Antonio through state grants and scholarships. Yessica plans to transfer to the University of Texas at San Antonio. “We’re here to seek an education and opportunity,” Yessica Vazquez said. “My dream is to be here and serve my country. This is the only place I know.”